Hypnosis Rules

Rules for Hypnosis within The Hypno Dungeon

1. All hypnotists and subjects are to follow and abide by the Code of Ethics regardless if the hypnosis occurs within the community, in pms, or within another community.

2. All forms of hypnosis and trigger play is forbidden within The Hypno Dungeon Lobby.

3. Most forms of hypnosis is allowed inside main Hypno Dungeon group within the Sessions topic without prior warning of the session you are about to conduct such as Light and impromptu sessions.

a. Do not interrupt or start your own session when another session is being performed.

b. Always assume a session is in progress if messaging are coming through the Sessions topic.

i. There is no excuse for interrupting a session in the Sessions topic. It's literally in the title.

c. The sessions topic can be used for after care of the subject.

i. Once the subject fully comes to please move the conversions to another topic like the Hypno Play topic.

d. This topic can be used to ask questions about sessions once they are over.

i. The best place to ask about any hypno would be the Ask a Hypnotist topic.

4. Most forms of hypnosis trigger play is allowed inside main Hypno Dungeon group within the Hypno Play topic such as mental alterations, parroting triggers, regression triggers, call and response triggers, etc.

a. Use your best judgement as to how you and your sub wants to play in a public setting.

b. Asking questions about triggers, what it's doing, and how it's affecting the sub is allowed and considered on topic.

5. Try to keep conversations and questions to the appropriate topics.

a. Most of the time staff will not warn anyone for misusing any of the topics we still want all topics to be used appropriately.

5.1 Please keep all sessions and trigger/hypno play to their appropriate topics.

a. No sessions or trigger play is allowed outside of their respective topics.

i. These topics are meant to be a safe place dedicated for sessions and hypno play. They are more closely monitored and enforced under stricter guidelines and standards.

6. DO NOT:

a. interrupt any session taking place inside The Hypno Dungeon group impromptu or otherwise.

i. Always assume a session is in progress if messaging are coming through the Sessions topic.

b. Leave any subject(s) under the effects of a trigger that they themself cannot revert.

c. Leave a subject(s) under trance regardless if they have safeties to wake them up.

d. Give any unwanted sessions, triggers or suggestions to any subject or group of subjects without their consent inside or outside the group. (See the code of ethics that staff promotes for hypnotists)

e. Share or advertise hypnosis files; links or direct upload, within the group(s) that does not include a proper description and list of all the intended effects.

i. The bot is configured to block ALL music media for this reason, please contact staff if you wish to share files or music inside the group.

7. No recruiting! (Zero tolerance) - Recruiting anyone to a specific master/dom/tist, to listen to a specific file, to join some form of group, cult, hivemind, and the like are all strictly prohibited.

a. If all you are contributing to the community is talking about a specific file, dom/tist/master, or: group, cult, hivemind or the like you this is seen as recruiting. Contribute more the the group than stroking your master's ego or talking about how good a file, group, cult, hivemind or the like is. Staff do not care if details of a dom/tist/master or group, cult, hivemind, or the like is sent in PM we don't want it to be in our group. The community isn't for recruiting anyone; it is for trigger play, public trances, and making new friends.

i. Triggers that were obtained from hivemind like files are okay to play with in the group as long as it doesn't lead to recruiting. If the hivemind drone initiates the discussion of where the triggers originate without someone explicitly asking it will be seen as recruiting to the staff team.

ii. Discussing the details of a group, cult, hivemind, and the like will not immediately be seen as recruiting. It will be seen as recruiting if the hivemind drone offers to share information in PM without anyone else asking for further details OR if discussions are regular; such as if that's the only topic a specific individual talks about within the community.

All rules, Terms, policies, guidelines and community standards regarding the community and Lucid Creations Media is subject to change without notice. 

It is a privilege, not a right, to be allowed into and to have access to this community and your access to this community may be terminated or suspended immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation if you breach community standards, the community's terms, or the terms of Lucid Creations Media. The community staff team is the sole arbitrator of what does and what does not violate community standards and reserve the right to suspend, limit or terminate access to the community including any permissions and privileges allotted within them. Breach of community standards include, but are not necessarily limited to, failure to follow any rules, policies, guidelines, or standards listed on this page or another within the community's website.

We evaluate each incident on a case by case basis. If a member is found to have breached any rules, terms, or standard of the community then appropriate action will be taken based on the severity. Potential actions staff may take for such breaches may include a verbal warning from a moderator, a warning from our bot, temporary or permanent restrictions from using certain features inside the groups (embedded links, sending media like; videos, music, and pictures, sending stickers & gifs, etc), and a temporary or permanent ban.

An automatic escalation of consequences will likely be considered and used if you receive 3 warns in a short time frame regardless of the severity of a single offense or accumulative offense(s). Note that warns are forgiven after continued good behavior. The timeline for the removal of any warn is based on the rule, severity of offense against the rule, and if any warns preceding it.

Staff will not discuss disciplinary actions in public under any circumstances and will not discuss it in private with any person(s) who aren't directly involved. Disciplinary actions can be appealed using our appeal form or by contacting any staff member. If any discussions regarding a disciplinary action were to be continued after staff requested the discussions to cease then disciplinary action will be taken against violators of the request; this does include asking for details or trying to appeal disciplinary actions on someone else's behalf. Staff are only permitted to publicly disclose the following information about disciplinary actions: the rule, policy, guideline, or community standard the person broke, if the person received any prior disciplinary actions, if the person was in any probationary period prior to actions taken, if the person was banned or kicked before, and how long a ban set for. Any other information will not be disclosed.