Community Rules

Rule for every part of the network and fan groups

1. All groups should generally follow the topic/theme set for each group.

2. Drama

1. This includes creating drama inside the groups as well as bringing drama from outside.

3. Politics

1. Discussing politics is strictly prohibited as it can cause unwanted arguments.

4. Positive and Friendly environment

(4) Since this is a very broad term here are a few examples that staff won't tolerate in the community:

a. Starting any major arguments as well as not stopping an argument when staff have asked for the discussion to stop. This includes discussions of sensitive topics like religion and gender or making hate speeches and starting flame wars.  (Depending on topic and severity it can be deemed as drama and harassment)

b. Disrespecting staff or other members of the groups and community in ways that aren't considered harassment. Examples include undermining authority, mocking people, taunting staff or other members, belittling staff or other members. 

c. Certain types of spam such as general unwanted behavior like general nuisance and disruptive behavior, constantly making excessive sarcastic remarks towards any specific type of topic or towards any specific person, or constantly being troublesome or argumentative inside the groups beyond an occasion bratty behavior.

d. Impersonating someone else such as; using someone else character or art without their explicit permission excluding the use of art as a profile picture for a placeholder while not claiming it as your own character/art. Impersonating others in the form of catfishing and sharing pictures that aren't of you. 

e. Publicly sharing advocating, or spreading malicious speech such as: slur against disabilities, ethnic origins, race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation or similar; or to make malicious misleading statements about cultures, religions, etc; on your public profile such as within your name, bio, or profile pictures; sharing any media; pictures, videos, gifs, etc, that may include or depict this malicious speech. This includes sharing or advocating hate that originates from hate or terrorist organizations and sharing anything that has symbolism that is synonymous with, or is exclusive to any hate groups or terrorist organization, including within ones profile picture; regardless of it being an edit, spin-off, or parody of a symbol or logo that belongs to any current or past hate organization or terrorist groups.

f. Trying to masquerade as an admin/moderator (backseat moderation) by attempting to enforce rules that don't exist inside these groups, regardless of your own ethics, morals or interests. Also attempting to backseat moderate the groups, staff appreciate the extra help, but reporting it to us would me much more efficient and helpful to us and the communities.

g. Gatekeeping: as define as being a noun meaning: When someone takes it upon themselves to decide who does or does not have access or rights to a community or identity. 

h. Dirty Laundry: as defined being a noun meaning: private matters whose public exposure brings distress and embarrassment. What this means is "airing your dirty laundry" in the groups is not wanted. Don't take your personal problems into the groups. It doesn't contribute anything to topic, focus, or theme of the groups and often times when people do this they refuse any and all help/advice. It's often disruptive, can ruin the mood of the groups for a while, and may even make you feel worse after doing it.

5. Role-playing 

1. 100% acceptable unless stated otherwise on that specific platform or community.

6. Excessive Personal Advertising

1. Staff classify “excessive” advertising as posting links to: personal social media, commission information, personal websites, or other personal profiles too frequently. This can be: posting links daily, weekly, multiple times a week, or simply only using the community to advertise and nothing more.

a. Contribute more to the the community other than advertising your personal information or commissions. Even if you post once a week, if you are seen ONLY posting adverts you will be in violation of this rule.

6.1 Advertising on another's behalf without staff permission.

1. Please do not post links to any artist's accounts or commission information without prior permission from staff. This includes links to their social media and other profiles.

a. Sharing a link to their art sharing account/profile after somone has asks for a source to a picture that was posted or someone explicitly asked for the link/profile/account will be permitted.

i. Yes this includes emergency commissions. Please ask staff first.

ii. This includes forwarded messages from Telegram channels and messaged from personals accounts.

b. Please do not post links to anyone's post where they are begging for money, help, crowdfunding, or charity. (see rule 8)

i. This includes forwarded messages from Telegram channels and messaged from personals accounts.

6.2. No advertising other communities, channels, or servers without permission from staff.

i. We support the growth of other groups, but there are designated places to advertise these things.

What constitutes as advertising?

1. Sharing the direct @username or of a community directly into one of our chats.

1.1 This includes forwarded messages

What doesn't constitute as advertising?

2. The "Forwarded from" part of a message that was forwarded into the community. Even if it comes from a Telegram channel.

2.1. Mentioning other communities with the explicit intent of gaining members or attracting members them.

Example: I have this group/know of this group - ask me for the invite.

i. Simply stating the existence of any group will not be considered advertising.

Example: There is a group for x topic.

6.3. NO advertising the direct invite link for our groups or communities within other groups, channels, servers, or other websites without the explicit permission of one of our staff members and the staff members of the designated group or community.

i. Sharing the website of the group/community is permissible, but we would still prefer an admin or mod to be contacted beforehand.

7. Flooding

1. What is classified as spam/flooding:

a. Flooding is repeatedly posting messages that can be a nuisance or to disrupt the flow of the groups.

Examples include:

i. Sending consecutive messages or media; pictures (picture sets), videos, gifs, etc in mass and quick succession.

8. Spam

  • Spam is generally any unwanted behavior like using the groups for purposes it wasn't meant for, shitposting, begging for things (money, donations, items, games, free art, crowdfunding, charity, etc. [not the same as posting commissions]),constantly making excessive sarcastic remarks towards any specific type of topic or towards any specific person, constantly being troublesome or argumentative inside the groups beyond an occasional bratty behavior, using the groups to advertise for you or your friends.
  • Generally we like to see the groups used for what it was meant for. Which is to build a community where people can make friends online in a place that is free of judgement and ridicule from others. If you are ever unsure about the topic of any of our communities the first pinned message usually has a small statement about the purpose, topic, or theme of that community. You can also check the communities page for information on all of our groups.

a. While it is fine to stray off topic from time to time, if you are found to be primarily using the groups for anything except for it's purpose, or constantly sharing spam that is declared in this section; you may be warned and asked to stop or staff may remove you.

i. This isn't a dating community, a community to look for a significant other, a community to find locals, a dealer's den (constantly sharing your commission info), or a place to seek charity (begging for money, items, crowdfunding, or charity).

9. Harassment, slandering or defamation

1. What is classified as harassment:

a. Constantly making fun of someone over something that clearly upsets them.

b. Continuing to RP or force interaction with someone who has seriously asked for such interaction to stop.

c. Attacking or conspiring to have someone attacked by a number of people in PM for having different views, sexuality, beliefs, etc.

d. Alienating a person; or group of people, inside the groups for having different views, sexuality, beliefs, etc.

e. Using the groups to bypass a block. (see rule 2)

10. Mobbing and Witch Hunting

  • While we do not allow drama within the community it is sometimes inevitable. As such we acknowledge this and decided to include these acts of extreme harassment within the rules.

a. Speaking out against someone for misdeeds in general is not going to be viewed as cancelling or mobbing. So long the post isn't slanderous and can be proven and the ultimate goal was to protect others and the community by providing a PSA about someone.

b. Making calls to action with your messages that imply or directly state that people should mob, harass, attack, or witch hunt someone will not be tolerated.

c. Posts that inadvertently caused mobs, harassments, attacks, or witch hunts will not be pursued so long the induvial who originally spoke out against the target makes it clear they didn't intend for any such mobs, harassment, attacks, or witch hunts to take place as a result of their posts.

d. We will not accept apologies from anyone who purposely started a mob or witch hunt. We will not accept an apology from anyone who took part in a mob or witch hunt.

11. Sharing Personal Content

1. Sharing messages, screenshots, or media; pictures, videos, gifs, etc, regardless of containing a person's face, from PM into the groups without that person's consent.

2. Distributing messages, screenshots, or media; pictures, videos, gifs, etc, regardless of containing a person's face, from our groups to another Telegram group, Telegram channel, and outside telegram without everyone in the content's consent.

a. This includes acts of extortion and blackmail.

12. AI Generated Material

a. Users are required to disclose any AI generated martial (art, videos, pictures, stories, websites, etc) when posting it to any of our communities regardless if they personally generated the material or not.

13. Modified Material

1. Users are to not post any modified material (art, videos, pictures) if the artist did not explicitly approve of the modifications or if their TOS doesn't openly allows modifications or the modification in question.

a. The lack of a "no modifications" clause in an artist's TOS is not an open invitation or consent to modify their art.

b. If an artist does allow modifications to their art, then the modifications posted must align with the artist's approved list of modification within their TOS.

14. User Profile


All rules, Terms, policies, guidelines and community standards regarding the community and Lucid Creations Media is subject to change without notice. 

It is a privilege, not a right, to be allowed into and to have access to this community and your access to this community may be terminated or suspended immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation if you breach community standards, the community's terms, or the terms of Lucid Creations Media. The community staff team is the sole arbitrator of what does and what does not violate community standards and reserve the right to suspend, limit or terminate access to the community including any permissions and privileges allotted within them. Breach of community standards include, but are not necessarily limited to, failure to follow any rules, policies, guidelines, or standards listed on this page or another within the community's website.

We evaluate each incident on a case by case basis. If a member is found to have breached any rules, terms, or standard of the community then appropriate action will be taken based on the severity. Potential actions staff may take for such breaches may include a verbal warning from a moderator, a warning from our bot, temporary or permanent restrictions from using certain features inside the groups (embedded links, sending media like; videos, music, and pictures, sending stickers & gifs, etc), and a temporary or permanent ban.

An automatic escalation of consequences will likely be considered and used if you receive 3 warns in a short time frame regardless of the severity of a single offense or accumulative offense(s). Note that warns are forgiven after continued good behavior. The timeline for the removal of any warn is based on the rule, severity of offense against the rule, and if any warns preceding it.

Staff will not discuss disciplinary actions in public under any circumstances and will not discuss it in private with any person(s) who aren't directly involved. Disciplinary actions can be appealed using our appeal form or by contacting any staff member. If any discussions regarding a disciplinary action were to be continued after staff requested the discussions to cease then disciplinary action will be taken against violators of the request; this does include asking for details or trying to appeal disciplinary actions on someone else's behalf. Staff are only permitted to publicly disclose the following information about disciplinary actions: the rule, policy, guideline, or community standard the person broke, if the person received any prior disciplinary actions, if the person was in any probationary period prior to actions taken, if the person was banned or kicked before, and how long a ban set for. Any other information will not be disclosed.